Embed trojan into a JPG FormatCredits go out to blackbox246.Watch this video on YouTubeViewsLikesSource: Christiaan008Main categoryHackingSubcategoryHackingBe surprisedVideo wallI know what I'm looking forVideos by categoryRelated videosAllOther Printers gone wild! How NOT to Store Passwords! Asymmetric Digital Warfare 29C3 GSM: Cell phone network review Secure code reviews magic or art? A simplified approach to secure code reviews DEF CON 13: Google hacking for penetration testers OWASP AppSecUSA 2011:How NOT to implement cryptography for the OWASP Top 10 (Reloaded) DeepSec 2007: Browser hijacking OWASP AppSecUSA 2011: Ghosts of XSS past, present and future 22C3: Attacking the IPv6 protocol suite DEF CON 17: Hijacking web 2.0 sites with SSLstrip 29C3: We are all lawmakers! DEF CON 17: MetaPhish 24C3: Cybercrime 2.0 DEF CON 17: Abusing Firefox Addons DeepSec 2010: Android reverse engineering and forensics DEF CON 19: Defeating wired 802.1x with a transparent bridge using Linux BruCON 2010: Embedded system hacking and my plot to take over the world 1/4 OHM2013: SIM card exploitation Embed trojan into a JPG Format Pyrit demonstration (GPU cracking) Black Hat USA 2010: Jackpotting automated teller machines redux 1/5