Christiaan's collection








Started in 2009 as a simple hobby project to collect videos related to topics like cybercrime, hacking and cyber security on one YouTube channel has grown into a platform where people actively share knowledge and collaborate.

The purpose of this website is to give an overview of videos that are available on the Christiaan008 YouTube channel and other YouTube channels. Technical videos, less technical and non-technical videos are all in the collection. Enjoy and share!

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Henry Ford

Founder of the Ford Motor Company


An overview of the available conferences on the Christiaan008 YouTube channel and other YouTube channels. Every conference entry contains information related to the conference, available videos on this website and playlists that are available on YouTube or elsewhere.

Video wall

An overview of interesting and inspirational videos related to the topics of cybercrime, cyber security, leadership and technology. It helps you to understand the online world, the threats and latest developments.

There is also an overview of the more technical videos to expand your knowledge, take a look at these videos if you already know some of the basics in the online world.